Post By: Dominika Zięciak

Conference on Modern Technologies in Western Pomerania: Creating the Future

Recently, our team had the opportunity to participate in the third edition of the Modern Technology Conference, organized by West Pomerania. It was a unique opportunity to learn about the latest developments in technology and the future, as well as to make valuable contacts.

During the conference we had the pleasure of listening to many inspiring speeches, which will certainly remain in our memories for a long time. One of the key topics was the future in the context of technological development. Speakers from various fields shared their visions and analyses regarding the digital world and its impact on our everyday life. It was extremely informative and inspiring to reflect on what changes the technological era brings.

One of the most fascinating speeches was by Professor Koen Kas, a world-renowned expert and futurist in the field of healthcare. Professor Kas gave us a glimpse of the future of health care, based on advanced applications that will enable patients to effectively interact with doctors and monitor their health based on data. This is a fascinating approach to health that promises much better and more personalized medical care.

However, the absolute hero of the evening was mPower Ltd. which won the top prize. Their accomplishment is like a flamboyant breath of fresh wind in the world of technology. They have created an innovative hydrogen boat engine, a groundbreaking step towards sustainable development and the use of renewable energy sources. This proves that projects are being developed in our region that are truly changing the future of our planet.

The evening ended with refreshments and an opportunity for Networking behind the scenes. It was a great opportunity to talk with other conference participants, exchange ideas and make new business contacts. After the conference, we also had an amazing opportunity to meet and talk with an extraordinary person, Dr. Boleslaw Fabisiak. His impressive academic titles - PhD, MSc, Eng. - are only part of his impressive body of work. Talking with him, we were able to draw on the vast knowledge and experience he brings with him. His inspiring outlook on the future and technologies was a real treasure that added even more depth to our post-conference reflections.

Meeting Dr. Fabisiak reminded us that continuous development and learning is the key to success in today's world. His presence was a real privilege and an extra dose of motivation for action.

The Conference on Modern Technology in Western Pomerania was not only a source of knowledge, but also an inspiration for action. Thanks to it, we became convinced that our region has great potential in the field of technology and innovation. We are already looking forward to the next edition, which will probably bring more fascinating topics and innovations. We are ready to join in creating the future.